Bebo Shutdown or Sale Iminent – So Where Does All the Content Go?

AOL bought Bebo a couple of years ago. At the time they probably thought they’d got themselves a bargain. Bebo was doing really well in the UK and Ireland. It wasn’t doing so well in the US, but that could have changed..

Of course it didn’t change. Bebo’s traffic shrank and upstart Facebook came along and stole their thunder..

But what of the content?

If you’ve uploaded photos and other content onto Bebo you could easily end up losing access to it all completely.

Tip: Back it up now. Or simply move on.

Christmas Is A Time For Sharing With Your REAL Friends

Social media networks; Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace etc., etc.

How many of your “friends” are actual friends? How many of them actually care about YOU?

If you’re completely caught up in the “follower count race”, then you’ve probably already entered “social media hell”.


There is light at the end of the tunnel

You can disconnect.

You can reconnect with real people. I know this may sound shocking, but you could try to actually interact with a real person for a change.

Forget about vampires, random farm animals, mafia members or fantasy beasts (Twitter is infested with unicorns.. )

Removing yourself from all the social network sites takes time, so some nice person has actually automated the process – the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine does it all for you

Here’s how it works:

WEB 2.0 Suicide Machine Promotion from moddr_ on Vimeo.

So there you are. You can save yourself from social media. You can get back your REAL life.

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Don’t Annoy Your Followers

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

Remember all the “wonderful” messages you used to get on Facebook? “You’ve been bitten by a vampire” etc., etc.,

They may have been fun if you were a twelve year old, but if you spend any length of time online these kind of interruptions just become annoying.

Now over on Twitter the same kind of thing happens.

This time round the latest annoyance is called SpyMaster, which is supposedly in “private beta”.

In typical web 2.0 fluffy language they’ve got the worst kept secret in Twitterville. Not only does everyone know about it, but they’ve also setup their application in such a way that it spams thousands of other Twitter users via “direct message”!

End result – not only has the application managed to alienate potential users, but it’s also managed to upset thousands of users who weren’t even playing the game.

You can see all the “tweets” from people playing and people complaining about the game here

Moral of the story – don’t annoy people