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Month: July 2009

  • Just Because You Can Is Not An Excuse –’s Stupid Automated Twitter Messages

    Whether it’s technology or life in general you’ll always run into people doing odd things. When you ask them why they did it they’ll simply reply: “Because I could” Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that it’s either a good idea or even advisable. Take Twitter (again!) Using a 3rd party service you…

  • Twitter Is Not A Private Phonecall

    Companies have embraced Twitter (or at least tried to). You’ll find companies of all shapes and sizes attempting to get to grips with the new medium. Unfortunately not all interactions will work out well for people, but they can always try again. But one thing people need to remember is that Twitter is very public.…

  • Don’t Believe It

    Twitter maybe a wonderful way to spread news, but it can be completely inaccurate.. Jeff Goldblum, for example, has been reported dead several times over the last few weeks. At least Goldblum has a sense of humour: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Jeff Goldblum Will Be Missed Colbert Report Full…