Month: August 2010

  • Using Social Media – Some Experiences

    I posted at length over on the Blacknight Blog about some of our experiences with using social media in a business. Any feedback would be appreciated (preferably over there!)

  • German Lawmakers Seek To Limit Usage of Social Media Info By Employers

    Image via CrunchBase Germany seems to take privacy pretty seriously. According to reports this week Germany is seeking to enact legislation that would restrict the usage of information about prospective employees garnered from social media sites by employers. The legislators are drawing a line between “pure” social networking site and the more professional ones. “The…

  • Over 100k Irish Twitter User Accounts

    Looks like the Irish media (both online and offline) are all excited about the latest useless statistic Seemingly there are over 100 thousand Irish Twitter “users”. How they reached that figure is beyond me.. Probably based on what the users have stated in their location. Or maybe Twitter have provided data? In any case it’s…

  • Hollywood To Make Google Film?

    I guess it’s inevitable that someone somewhere would want to make a film about Google. If Facebook gets its own film, then Google should have its own … According to a recent article in the Telegraph plans are afoot for a film based on the book “Googled: The End of the World As We Know…

  • Twifficiency Shows How NOT To Use Twitter’s OAuth

    Twitter, in common with other social networking sites and services, has an authentication system. In Twitter’s case it’s called OAuth and it allows you, as a user, to give applications and service access to your account. For an application or service to function correctly it might need to gather information from your Twitter stream. Maybe…