Category: Google+

  • Irish Social Media Awards 2014 Open Nominations

    Irish Social Media Awards 2014 Open Nominations

    The Irish Social Media Awards are being held in June in Dublin and nominations opened today. As with other years nominations are 100% free. This year’s categories are: Facebook categories: Facebook Page for a Business (Non Campaign) Facebook Page for a Non-Profit/Organisation Facebook Page for a Business (owner managed) Integrated Facebook Campaign: Page, App, Ads…

  • Social Network Wars Explained

    Social Network Wars Explained

    Social media networks want more users. Of course if you’re trying to grow your social network then it makes sense that you use your users’ existing connections .. So a lot of social networks tap into the data available via Twitter, Facebook and other services. Of course by doing this they can upset each other…

  • Social Media Revealed

    Social Media Revealed

    A lot of the companies flogging social media services to businesses probably shouldn’t be in the business at all. A lot of the “advice” they’re giving companies is terrible and yet they charge their clients “top dollar” for it. (Not all of the companies operating in the space are “evil”, but a lot are) The…

  • Twitter Goes Offline

    Twitter Goes Offline

    Twitter has been offline for the last 30 minutes. It’s not even showing the (in)famous “fail whale” at the moment! So you can expect to see a surge of traffic to Facebook and Google+ 🙂

  • Google+ Vs Facebook Humour

    Came across this animated image on Google+ earlier today and thought it was amusing enough to share: No idea where it originated, so if you know the image source please let me know