Category: politics

  • Elizabeth Warren Tests Facebook Advertising Rules

    Elizabeth Warren Tests Facebook Advertising Rules

    Facebook and other social media platforms have been coming under scrutiny from governments and regulators on both sides of the Atlantic. While there are concerns about content being shared on the various platforms that can impact political campaigns what is probably more concerning is how social networks handle political ads. Elizabeth Warren is currently a…

  • Make Twitter Great Again With This Donald Trump Chrome Plugin

    Make Twitter Great Again With This Donald Trump Chrome Plugin

    The US President Donald Trump has a tendency to issue quite contentious statements via Twitter. Some of those statements might appear to be a little lacking in gravitas. This plugin for Chrome will give them the gravitas they deserve by converting them all to Comic Sans. You can see it “in action” on one of…

  • Fox Twitter Account Hacked?

    Looks like one of the Fox News Twitter accounts may have been hacked, as it’s spewing “news” of Obama’s death .. See screenshot below: If this is a prank it’s in pretty bad taste .. So I would assume that the account has been compromised .. and since it’s July 4th in the US it…

  • Fine Gael Take Social Media To New Lows

    I’ve no idea who is “managing” Fine Gael’s web “stuff” during the 2011 Irish general election, but you would really have to ask yourself what they were thinking. Firstly we had the introduction of new word into the Irish political lexicon – twolicy. Yes – they managed to combine “twitter” and “policy” and came up…