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Category: SocialMedia

  • The Apocalypse Is Upon Us (sort of)

    Image via CrunchBase Today marks the day that Twitter “apocalypse” is upon us. You can read more about it here. Looks like most of the main stream Twitter clients updated to deal with the anomaly (or had already coded around it) Remember the Y2K bug? Remember how it was meant to mean the end of…

  • Hype Gone Mad – Facebook Custom URL Madness

    Image via CrunchBase Earlier today Facebook launched their latest “service” – custom URLs for your profile or page. Talk about hype gone mad! While a lot of the other social media hubs have offered people the opportunity to use a short and memorable URL to reach their profile page for ages and done it as…

  • Watch out for the low flying pigs

    I’m not a mechanic, so when I want my car serviced I take it to a garage as I can trust a qualified mechanic to do the job properly. Unfortunately when you move into the wonderful realm of the internet real qualifications are few and far between. Sure, they do exist, but there aren’t as…

  • Watch And Learn

    Every society has its rules. Every group within society has its own subset of rules. While it would be wonderful if all these rules were written down somewhere, the reality is that they aren’t. So how can you learn about them? Observation. Watch what others are doing and learn. Learn from the good examples (and…

  • How To (Ab)use Twitter

    So you heard on the “grapevine” that lots of business were using Twitter to promote themselves. You read a couple of articles on well known sites or maybe in your favourite newspaper. Armed with your new knowledge you signed up for a Twitter account. 30 seconds later you entered the fray. You had a “Twitter…

  • Let’s Play Buzzword Bingo

    Do you ever read website copy and die a little inside? Just because other people’s websites are full of meaningless “buzzwords” does not mean that yours has to be as well. Sure. We all fall into the traps of using jargon instead of plain English from time to time, but the web 2.0 / social…