Tag: SocialMedia

  • Irish Social Media Awards

    Nominations are open for the 1st Irish Social Media Awards. There are also full details on how to submit a nomination for the awards and what information you need to supply. The awards ceremony will be held May 26th 2011 in Dublin’s Mansion House, which is a great venue.

  • Social Is All About Permission

    If you’re going to use “social” as part of your online strategy you need to remember a key concept. Permission. Earlier this morning I got an email “invite” from a contact to join a site that likes to see itself as being “social”. I ignored the invite but the wording of the email really touched…

  • LinkedIn’s April Fool’s

    Today being April 1st the web is awash with April Fool’s jokes and pranks. Some of them are pretty clever, while some of them are downright silly. One that caught my eye was LinkedIn’s If you go into the “people you may know” section you’re in for a surprise:  

  • Heinz Launch Commerce Via Facebook But Get Security Wrong

    Heinz have launched a special offer via their Facebook page that allows “fans” to buy a “limited edition” ketchup. Unfortunately it’s pretty clear that the people behind the integration don’t really understand security or privacy. In order to order the ketchup you need to fill out this form: Now why do they need ALL that…

  • Facebook Getting Serious With Places

    It looks like Facebook is getting set to make a serious play in location based services in Europe. According to an article in today’s Guardian the social networking behemoth is about to launch of “Deals” which would give users benefits and discounts at local retailers. The company has announced partnership deals with several “heavy hitters”…

  • Facebook Goes Down – Millions Scream

    Last night Facebook suffered an outage. It wasn’t a particularly long outage, but due to the site’s sheer size the impact of the outage was felt globally. Millions of people were forced to talk to their spouses, girlfriends, co-workers and neighbours face to face (in real life). Oh no!

  • TSA Spoof Twitter Account

    Unless you have been avoiding the news and social networks for the last few weeks you’re probably aware of the TSA’s latest. The TSA was setup after 9/11 to: …strengthen the security of the nation’s transportation systems while ensuring the freedom of movement for people and commerce. Within a year, TSA assumed responsibility for security…

  • Irish Public Servants To Get Premium Social Media Training

    You gotta love Ireland. In the midst of the doom and gloom of an economic crisis somebody somewhere got the “bright” idea of sending councillors off to learn about social media. At the cost of about €500 a person of taxpayers money you’d have to wonder what they were thinking .. More here and here

  • Be Careful Mixing Business With Pleasure

    For a lot of people a business is known for its staff. In the case of very small companies the staff are the company. So if you are in business and you are using Twitter / Facebook bear that in mind. If your “personal” account is going to be associated, even indirectly, with your business…

  • How Big Companies Handle Twitter

    A lot of very big companies use Twitter. There’s an interesting article over on Social Media Today exploring how 5 such companies do it.