Social Media Expert

Youtube Myspace and I'll Google Yer Yahoo

Year: 2009

  • Christmas Is A Time For Sharing With Your REAL Friends

    Social media networks; Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace etc., etc. How many of your “friends” are actual friends? How many of them actually care about YOU? If you’re completely caught up in the “follower count race”, then you’ve probably already entered “social media hell”. But. There is light at the end of the tunnel You can…

  • Spontaneous Success Cannot Be Created

    It may seem obvious, but you cannot force something to be spontaneous. Spontaneous is that – spontaneous. It cannot be contrived or manipulated. If you don’t believe me check the definition in any good dictionary. Why is it that some “experts” believe that they can “cod” people (their clients and the media) into believing that…

  • Quality Vs Quantity?

    No matter which social networks you may choose to use you may find yourself being criticised for what you say (or don’t say). Should you say everything that pops into your head? What should you filter out? How do some people find the time to “tweet” everything? So now even cartoon characters are “using” Twitter…

  • Don’t Take It Too Seriously – You’ll Look Dumb!

    Apart from all the self-proclaimed experts that want to “cash in” on their superior skills, you’ve also got to contend with those who take it all a little too seriously. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or even Bebo, you’ll nearly always find people who take it all oh so seriously. There is a lighter side…

  • Snake Oil Vendors – We Really Don’t Love You

    I’m sick of “experts”. I’m sick of people claiming that they know more about a subject than anyone else when it’s pretty damn obvious that they’ve missed the basics I’m tired of people selling solutions that they obviously don’t believe in. So I really really like this graphic which illustrates how much we, the public,…

  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook or simply a blog people sometimes forget that their audience is fickle. If you spend too much time and energy “planning” and making grandiose promises of “things to come” will anyone really care or notice? With Facebook “pages” there is little to be gained from putting up a “holding page” –…