Christmas Is A Time For Sharing With Your REAL Friends

Social media networks; Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace etc., etc.

How many of your “friends” are actual friends? How many of them actually care about YOU?

If you’re completely caught up in the “follower count race”, then you’ve probably already entered “social media hell”.


There is light at the end of the tunnel

You can disconnect.

You can reconnect with real people. I know this may sound shocking, but you could try to actually interact with a real person for a change.

Forget about vampires, random farm animals, mafia members or fantasy beasts (Twitter is infested with unicorns.. )

Removing yourself from all the social network sites takes time, so some nice person has actually automated the process – the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine does it all for you

Here’s how it works:

WEB 2.0 Suicide Machine Promotion from moddr_ on Vimeo.

So there you are. You can save yourself from social media. You can get back your REAL life.

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