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Category: SocialMedia

  • The Social Network On Release In Ireland – What Do People Think Of It?

    Last weekend The Social Network went on general release in the UK and Ireland. It’s currently playing in most of the cinema chains across Ireland and seems to have been well received. Have you seen it? If you have, what did you think of it? Seemingly Mark Zuckerberg isn’t overly impressed with it, but then…

  • Be Careful Mixing Business With Pleasure

    For a lot of people a business is known for its staff. In the case of very small companies the staff are the company. So if you are in business and you are using Twitter / Facebook bear that in mind. If your “personal” account is going to be associated, even indirectly, with your business…

  • How Big Companies Handle Twitter

    A lot of very big companies use Twitter. There’s an interesting article over on Social Media Today exploring how 5 such companies do it.

  • Numbers Make Us Yawn

    Seemingly some Irish person on Facebook has a fan page Seemingly 100 thousand people have clicked on the “like” button Seemingly this is meant to impress us all Numbers don’t mean anything. Look at Twitter Celebrities that never ever use the service have 5 and 6 figure “follower” figures, simply because they’re celebs. Expect lots…

  • Apple Launch Social Network. Spammers and Scammers Move In

    Apple’s big announcements earlier this week included the release of iTunes 10 with a new look and feel and the launch of Ping. Ping, which should win the prize for least imaginative social network name ever, is Apple’s “answer” to social networking seemingly. Want to join Ping? Then you need to use iTunes. Don’t have…

  • Using Social Media – Some Experiences

    I posted at length over on the Blacknight Blog about some of our experiences with using social media in a business. Any feedback would be appreciated (preferably over there!)