Tag: Google

  • Social Network Wars Explained

    Social Network Wars Explained

    Social media networks want more users. Of course if you’re trying to grow your social network then it makes sense that you use your users’ existing connections .. So a lot of social networks tap into the data available via Twitter, Facebook and other services. Of course by doing this they can upset each other…

  • Twitter Goes Offline

    Twitter Goes Offline

    Twitter has been offline for the last 30 minutes. It’s not even showing the (in)famous “fail whale” at the moment! So you can expect to see a surge of traffic to Facebook and Google+ 🙂

  • Facebook Buys Instagram For One Billion, But Who Else Was In The Running?

    Facebook Buys Instagram For One Billion, But Who Else Was In The Running?

    Last weekend the news broke that Facebook was acquiring Instagram for $1 billion. Needless to say the tech news circles were buzzing with this announcement all week. According to an article on TheNextWeb Twitter had also tried to acquire them, but failed. And others suggest that Google may have been trying to acquire them ..…

  • Google+ Vs Facebook Humour

    Came across this animated image on Google+ earlier today and thought it was amusing enough to share: No idea where it originated, so if you know the image source please let me know  

  • Google+ Gets Games

    It was only a matter of time before Google+ would start expanding its offering to users. The first addition being rolled out to users is games, which are accessible via the subtle new button in the interface: So what’s on offer? On my own account I’m seeing a range of 16 games including a couple…

  • Why Is Google+ Full Of Animated Gifs?

    If you are using Google+ you’ll probably have noticed that there are a very large number of animated gifs being shared. Normal photos, images and videos are also being shared, but there seems, to me at least, to be a very large volume of animated gifs So will Google+ result in an upswing in popularity…

  • Google To Kill Off Private Profiles

    As Google rejigs its entire user interface and renames a bunch of its services to fit in with its new web 3.0 (or whatever) vision user profiles are being changed. …. From July 31st 2011 private profiles are being not only disabled, but actually deleted: The purpose of Google Profiles is to enable you to…

  • Google Buzz Boosts Buzzword Bingo Industry

    Image via Wikipedia Social Media gurus rejoiced this week with the launch of Google’s latest service – Google Buzz Expect to see plenty of “tempting” offers in the next few weeks from “experts” on how to “maximise” your “potential” using the latest Google service. Google Wave was meant to revolutionise the web, so Google Buzz…

  • Watch out for the low flying pigs

    I’m not a mechanic, so when I want my car serviced I take it to a garage as I can trust a qualified mechanic to do the job properly. Unfortunately when you move into the wonderful realm of the internet real qualifications are few and far between. Sure, they do exist, but there aren’t as…