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Tag: Internet Marketing

  • Don’t Overemphasise Social Media

    Don’t Overemphasise Social Media

    Social media may be powerful, it may be useful and it might be the right tool for a lot of businesses, but it isn’t the solution to everything nor has it had impact on every single part of human activity. Via

  • Social Media Revealed

    Social Media Revealed

    A lot of the companies flogging social media services to businesses probably shouldn’t be in the business at all. A lot of the “advice” they’re giving companies is terrible and yet they charge their clients “top dollar” for it. (Not all of the companies operating in the space are “evil”, but a lot are) The…

  • IIA Net Visionary Awards Revamps Social Media Category

    IIA Net Visionary Awards Revamps Social Media Category

    This year’s Irish Internet Association Net Visionary Awards features a social media category, as it has done for the last few years. However this year is slightly different. Instead of simply having a “best us of” type award they’ve renamed the category to: Most Creative Use of Social Media for compelling customer engagement And they…