Tag: Marketing

  • Irish Social Media Awards 2014 Open Nominations

    Irish Social Media Awards 2014 Open Nominations

    The Irish Social Media Awards are being held in June in Dublin and nominations opened today. As with other years nominations are 100% free. This year’s categories are: Facebook categories: Facebook Page for a Business (Non Campaign) Facebook Page for a Non-Profit/Organisation Facebook Page for a Business (owner managed) Integrated Facebook Campaign: Page, App, Ads…

  • Don’t Overemphasise Social Media

    Don’t Overemphasise Social Media

    Social media may be powerful, it may be useful and it might be the right tool for a lot of businesses, but it isn’t the solution to everything nor has it had impact on every single part of human activity. Via

  • Twitter Sells Tweets

    Twitter Sells Tweets

    With most social networks the users are the product. In the case of Twitter one of the problems the company has been struggling with is how to actually make money from it all .. So selling their content ie. their users’ tweets appears to be one of the solutions. According to an article on RWW…

  • Mixing Messages?

    Maybe I’m just old and grumpy, but I really don’t see why I would want to “friend” a business on Facebook: I’m quite happy to “follow” or “connect with” or something else – I just think that “friend” (as a concept) is just not the right one for me.

  • Irish Social Media Awards

    Nominations are open for the 1st Irish Social Media Awards. There are also full details on how to submit a nomination for the awards and what information you need to supply. The awards ceremony will be held May 26th 2011 in Dublin’s Mansion House, which is a great venue.

  • Fine Gael Take Social Media To New Lows

    I’ve no idea who is “managing” Fine Gael’s web “stuff” during the 2011 Irish general election, but you would really have to ask yourself what they were thinking. Firstly we had the introduction of new word into the Irish political lexicon – twolicy. Yes – they managed to combine “twitter” and “policy” and came up…

  • Be Careful Mixing Business With Pleasure

    For a lot of people a business is known for its staff. In the case of very small companies the staff are the company. So if you are in business and you are using Twitter / Facebook bear that in mind. If your “personal” account is going to be associated, even indirectly, with your business…

  • Using Social Media – Some Experiences

    I posted at length over on the Blacknight Blog about some of our experiences with using social media in a business. Any feedback would be appreciated (preferably over there!)

  • Fantasy Animals, Pets and Pretzels More Popular Than Businesses

    If you frequent the “twittersphere” or Facebook you’ll often come across businesses and their staff trying to market their products and services to you. There’s nothing wrong with that. Of course, how they actually do it is another matter entirely … But how successful are most of their attempts to “tap in” to “social media”…

  • Spontaneous Success Cannot Be Created

    It may seem obvious, but you cannot force something to be spontaneous. Spontaneous is that – spontaneous. It cannot be contrived or manipulated. If you don’t believe me check the definition in any good dictionary. Why is it that some “experts” believe that they can “cod” people (their clients and the media) into believing that…