Tag: Social network

  • Don’t Overemphasise Social Media

    Don’t Overemphasise Social Media

    Social media may be powerful, it may be useful and it might be the right tool for a lot of businesses, but it isn’t the solution to everything nor has it had impact on every single part of human activity. Via

  • Twitter To Target Users Based On Browsing Activity

    Twitter To Target Users Based On Browsing Activity

    Twitter is experimenting with new advertising techniques and formats. In a recent announcement the company announced their plans to start targetting their US users based on their web browsing activity. The new “service” is aimed at US based Twitter users so Europeans should not be impacted: So if you’re a European Twitter user you shouldn’t…

  • Social Network Wars Explained

    Social Network Wars Explained

    Social media networks want more users. Of course if you’re trying to grow your social network then it makes sense that you use your users’ existing connections .. So a lot of social networks tap into the data available via Twitter, Facebook and other services. Of course by doing this they can upset each other…

  • Pinterest Engagement Graphic

    Pinterest Engagement Graphic

    Pinterest has made changes to their systems in the last couple of months that make it easier for brands and businesses to use the social network. But what’s actually going on? This graphic from Curalate gives some interesting insights: Do you use Pinterest? Why? Do you like it? Hate it? Let us know in the…

  • Twitter Blocks Tumblr

    Twitter Blocks Tumblr

    Twitter’s API changes announced last week upset quite a few people. But what about its relations with other social networks and services? The Guardian reports that Twitter has blocked Tumblr’s access to its users ie. you won’t be able to search for your Twitter contacts on Tumblr anymore. As the various social networks buy up…

  • Twitter Goes Offline

    Twitter Goes Offline

    Twitter has been offline for the last 30 minutes. It’s not even showing the (in)famous “fail whale” at the moment! So you can expect to see a surge of traffic to Facebook and Google+ 🙂

  • Twitter Sells Tweets

    Twitter Sells Tweets

    With most social networks the users are the product. In the case of Twitter one of the problems the company has been struggling with is how to actually make money from it all .. So selling their content ie. their users’ tweets appears to be one of the solutions. According to an article on RWW…

  • Google+ Vs Facebook Humour

    Came across this animated image on Google+ earlier today and thought it was amusing enough to share: No idea where it originated, so if you know the image source please let me know  

  • CoTweet Standard Being Pulled

    CoTweet Standard, which is used by a lot of companies to manage Twitter for teams, is being withdrawn on February 15th From then on CoTweet will only be offered as a paid service under a new name “SocialEngage” There aren’t much details about SocialEngage on the CoTweet / Exact Target site unfortunately, nor is there…

  • Irish Social Media Awards

    Nominations are open for the 1st Irish Social Media Awards. There are also full details on how to submit a nomination for the awards and what information you need to supply. The awards ceremony will be held May 26th 2011 in Dublin’s Mansion House, which is a great venue.