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Category: SocialMedia

  • Bebo Shutdown or Sale Iminent – So Where Does All the Content Go?

    AOL bought Bebo a couple of years ago. At the time they probably thought they’d got themselves a bargain. Bebo was doing really well in the UK and Ireland. It wasn’t doing so well in the US, but that could have changed.. Of course it didn’t change. Bebo’s traffic shrank and upstart Facebook came along…

  • Fantasy Animals, Pets and Pretzels More Popular Than Businesses

    If you frequent the “twittersphere” or Facebook you’ll often come across businesses and their staff trying to market their products and services to you. There’s nothing wrong with that. Of course, how they actually do it is another matter entirely … But how successful are most of their attempts to “tap in” to “social media”…

  • Google Buzz Boosts Buzzword Bingo Industry

    Image via Wikipedia Social Media gurus rejoiced this week with the launch of Google’s latest service – Google Buzz Expect to see plenty of “tempting” offers in the next few weeks from “experts” on how to “maximise” your “potential” using the latest Google service. Google Wave was meant to revolutionise the web, so Google Buzz…

  • Christmas Is A Time For Sharing With Your REAL Friends

    Social media networks; Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace etc., etc. How many of your “friends” are actual friends? How many of them actually care about YOU? If you’re completely caught up in the “follower count race”, then you’ve probably already entered “social media hell”. But. There is light at the end of the tunnel You can…

  • Spontaneous Success Cannot Be Created

    It may seem obvious, but you cannot force something to be spontaneous. Spontaneous is that – spontaneous. It cannot be contrived or manipulated. If you don’t believe me check the definition in any good dictionary. Why is it that some “experts” believe that they can “cod” people (their clients and the media) into believing that…

  • Quality Vs Quantity?

    No matter which social networks you may choose to use you may find yourself being criticised for what you say (or don’t say). Should you say everything that pops into your head? What should you filter out? How do some people find the time to “tweet” everything? So now even cartoon characters are “using” Twitter…