Tag: Twitter
Be Careful Mixing Business With Pleasure
For a lot of people a business is known for its staff. In the case of very small companies the staff are the company. So if you are in business and you are using Twitter / Facebook bear that in mind. If your “personal” account is going to be associated, even indirectly, with your business…
How Big Companies Handle Twitter
A lot of very big companies use Twitter. There’s an interesting article over on Social Media Today exploring how 5 such companies do it.
Twifficiency Shows How NOT To Use Twitter’s OAuth
Twitter, in common with other social networking sites and services, has an authentication system. In Twitter’s case it’s called OAuth and it allows you, as a user, to give applications and service access to your account. For an application or service to function correctly it might need to gather information from your Twitter stream. Maybe…
Fantasy Animals, Pets and Pretzels More Popular Than Businesses
If you frequent the “twittersphere” or Facebook you’ll often come across businesses and their staff trying to market their products and services to you. There’s nothing wrong with that. Of course, how they actually do it is another matter entirely … But how successful are most of their attempts to “tap in” to “social media”…
Google Buzz Boosts Buzzword Bingo Industry
Image via Wikipedia Social Media gurus rejoiced this week with the launch of Google’s latest service – Google Buzz Expect to see plenty of “tempting” offers in the next few weeks from “experts” on how to “maximise” your “potential” using the latest Google service. Google Wave was meant to revolutionise the web, so Google Buzz…