Tag: SocialMedia

  • Numbers Make Us Yawn

    Seemingly some Irish person on Facebook has a fan page Seemingly 100 thousand people have clicked on the “like” button Seemingly this is meant to impress us all Numbers don’t mean anything. Look at Twitter Celebrities that never ever use the service have 5 and 6 figure “follower” figures, simply because they’re celebs. Expect lots…

  • Apple Launch Social Network. Spammers and Scammers Move In

    Apple’s big announcements earlier this week included the release of iTunes 10 with a new look and feel and the launch of Ping. Ping, which should win the prize for least imaginative social network name ever, is Apple’s “answer” to social networking seemingly. Want to join Ping? Then you need to use iTunes. Don’t have…

  • Over 100k Irish Twitter User Accounts

    Looks like the Irish media (both online and offline) are all excited about the latest useless statistic Seemingly there are over 100 thousand Irish Twitter “users”. How they reached that figure is beyond me.. Probably based on what the users have stated in their location. Or maybe Twitter have provided data? In any case it’s…

  • Twifficiency Shows How NOT To Use Twitter’s OAuth

    Twitter, in common with other social networking sites and services, has an authentication system. In Twitter’s case it’s called OAuth and it allows you, as a user, to give applications and service access to your account. For an application or service to function correctly it might need to gather information from your Twitter stream. Maybe…

  • FourSquare – Stalker’s Paradise?

    Foursquare allows you to post and share your location. Depending on where you are and how adventurous the businesses are in the area, you might get the odd discount or special offer for doing so .. But there is a potential downside to oversharing your location with the world.. It’s not a new topic, but…

  • You’re Going To See the Film – Now Get the Degree..

  • Facebook Scores Badly

    Seemingly Facebook didn’t fare too well in a recent “satisfaction” survey. Of course Facebook is a FREE service It’s easy for people to forget that

  • Facebook Privacy (Parody)

    Facebook’s stance on privacy has upset a lot of people .. this video parody is pretty good:

  • Zuckerberg Redefines Pretentious

    Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has been getting a lot of flak in recent weeks about Facebook’s attitude and handling of privacy for its users. During a recent interview Zuckerberg was asked several times about privacy. He failed to give a convincing answer. Watch the entire interview to see how Zuckerberg, yet again, redefines “pretentious” once again.…

  • Irish Politician Thinks Facebook Is Bad For Health

    This is one of those “only in Ireland” type stories. Irish MEP Nessa Childers has decided to go on the “war path” against Facebook (and probably other social media sites) as they’re supposedly bad for our mental health! You can read Ms Childers’ full release on the subject here – and no, it’s not April…