With most social networks the users are the product.
In the case of Twitter one of the problems the company has been struggling with is how to actually make money from it all ..
So selling their content ie. their users’ tweets appears to be one of the solutions.
According to an article on RWW Twitter has sold the data to Datasift and has other companies lined up to buy the same data.
So not only is Twitter claiming ownership of the content, but they’re also happily ignoring any privacy concerns users might have..
Expect privacy advocates to get very vocal on this.
Related articles
- New Company Sells Years of Twitter Posts (escapistmagazine.com)
- Privacy betrayed: Twitter sells multi-billion tweet archive – RT (rt.com)
- Twitter apps are about to be flooded with ads (technolog.msnbc.msn.com)
- Twitter sells tweet archive to marketers (telegraph.co.uk)